Correct answer would be D. Allusions reference usually famous people and things. Mario is a famous game character.
"Dreamed I'd loose" and "missed free throw"
She gives him a veil that keeps him safe after his ship is wrecked. Athena too comes to his rescue as he is tossed back and forth, now out to the deep sea, now against the jagged rocks of the coast. Finally, a river up the coast of the island answers Odysseus's prayers and allows him to swim into its waters.
Pip was a moderately happy, satisfied young man until he met Miss Havisham and Estella. So this transformed him by in light of the fact that this is the first occasion when anybody has ever constructed Pip mindful of the distinctions in social status and riches. He feels hurt and confounded. From this day forward, he sustains a developing abhorrence for the existence he already needed. Presently his attention is on turning into a refined man, somebody Estella will admore, regard, and maybe cherish.