In modern culture the name Hades could also refer to the devil due to false belief Hates is similar to the devil. Hades also lives in the Underworld, which also is believed to be called hell in modern culture. Also Underworld can be referred to as a suspicious place where criminal activities take place.
A compound noun contains two or more words that join together to make a single noun, like "keyboard." A compound noun is a type of compound word that is used to designate a person, place, or thing. Compound nouns can be formed in several ways, which is one reason why writing these words can be tricky.
Examples: noun + noun bedroom water tank motorcycle printer cartridge
noun + verb rainfall haircut train-spotting
noun + adverb hanger-on passer-by
verb + noun washing machine driving licence swimming pool
vernal equinox
In the northern hemisphere, the spring, or vernal equinox happens around March 21, when the sun moves north across the celestial equator.
C. lifeless
Uninteresting is a synonym to lifeless, and the word "criticized" gives the following words a negative conotation.