The basis for the inverse relationship between number of matured HDL in circulation and and cardiovascular disease is that when new HDL entertainment circulation they mature by picking up extra cholesterol until they become mature and high cholesterol level is a major cause of cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis. The implication of this is that the more the number of matured HDL in circulation, the lower the cholesterol level in the blood thus the lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis.
F is your answer. Transform Boundary
Answer: Based on the information, the person DOES NOT have lactose intolerance because glucose levels significantly increases in normal individuals after a lactose rich meal.
Lactose is a disaccharide carbohydrate which when taken (found mostly in diary products) is hydrolyzed by lactase into its monomers, which are then absorbed into the blood. The hydrolysis of lactose gives glucose and galactose which is carried out by the digestive enzyme lactase. Deficiency of the lactase enzyme gives rise to a disorder known as LACTOSE INTOLERANCE.
The diagnosis of lactose intolerance or lactase deficiency can be confirmed by measuring the plasma glucose concentrations, as in glucose tolerance test, after giving an oral load of lactose rich solution. If the disaccharide (lactose) cannot be hydrolysed, the constituent monosaccharides cannot be absorbed and the concentrations of plasma glucose rise VERY little.
But the fasting blood glucose done after 2 hours of drinking a lactose rich solution showed a typical rise in blood glucose levels which were 80, 90, 100, 110 and 120 mg/ dL tested for every 30 minutes. This indicates that the individual does not have lactose intolerance because the glucose gotten from hydrolysed lactose was absorbed and cause a significant rise in blood levels.
Novobiocin target DNA GYRASE of gram positive bacteria.
Novobiocin is a bacteriostatic(slow down bacteria growth) or bactericidal i.e it kills bacteria , narrow spectrum antibiotics that target DNA GYRASE of gram positive bacteria. It acts by inhibiting the bacteria DNA gyrase hydrolysis thereby by interfering with the metabolic activities of bacteria. It is also a weak catalytic inhibitor of mammalian. Novobiocin inhibit DNA gyrase and topoIV by binding to the ATP pocket of GyrB and ParE, respectively.The Streptomyces strain that produces Novobiocin and it is more effective on gram positive bacteria that gram negative bacteria because gram negative bacteria are resistant to it.