To protect the individual rights of the citizens and the individual states
Freedom of speech
Freedom of action
After initial Persian victories, the Persians were eventually defeated, both at sea and on land. The wars with the Persians had a great effect on ancient Greeks. The Athenian Acropolis was destroyed by the Persians, but the Athenian response was to build the beautiful buildings whose ruins we can still see today.
1- The addition of Texas added to the happening to the Mexican-American War
2- The contention began, to a limited extent, over a contradiction about which waterway was Mexico's actual northern fringe: the Nueces or the Rio Grande
The fundamental driver of the war was the affirmation of Texas into the United States of America. Since Mexico didn't perceive Texas' freedom after their effective resistance to the Mexican government it was viewed as an intrusion into Mexican domain once Texas acknowledged the greeting into the United States.