Culture is the answer! Hope this helps!:))
The correct answer is D. The historical, political and social experiments of a place are often reflected in art, literature, music and other cultural expressions.
The culture of a certain region has as its main characteristic that of being a reflection of the experiences of the peoples that inhabit it. Thus, cultural expressions such as literature, music, art, traditions and legends, among many others, collect the experiences and experiences that each society has experienced, and translate them into these artistic manifestations with the aim of making them known. and disclosed over time. Thus, for example, thousands of poems speak of specific historical situations, thousands of paintings depict situations such as battles or revolutions, etc.
No, I think that this is false.
For example, politicians have to make sure that they use politically correct language and that they don't exclude anyone. They should also be environmentally concerned.
I think that on average, they are more strict.
D is the answer Have a nice day
Expansión de las grandes potencias europeas.Terminada la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Inglaterra, Francia y alemania eran naciones consideradas desarrolladas ya que habian logrado llevar a cabo el proceso de industrializacion. Este fue uno de los motivos por lo que las potencias desarolladas lograron conquistar mayor cantidad de territorios.
A finales del siglo XIX practicamente todo el continente africano se encontraba en poder de alguna potencia europea.
En Asia, el proceso de colonizacion presentó mayor dificultades para las potencias europeas ya que el nivel de desarrollo de algunos paises alcanzaban a las potencias euròpeas como lo era en el caso de china.
No obstante la ocupacion en Asia fue política y Económica, manteniendo la autonomía cultural.
Los estados asiáticos se dieron cuenta que las potencias europeas se estaban debilitando, impulsando su propia independencia.
<span>Ante esta situacion comenzó a surgir un conflicto belico entre las naciones.</span>