B. Horse-drawn carriages are approaching the pit.
<h2>Answer </h2><h2>Summary</h2><h2>Annie John is now seventeen and is going to head to England to study nursing. She wakes on the morning that she will leave knowing that later in the day she shall take a boat to Barbados and then to England. Annie looks over everything in her house thinking about her life and about how either her mother or father made everything that is in it. In one way this familiarity makes Annie feel nostalgic, but in another way it makes her realize that she has to go elsewhere to develop her own self.</h2>
As a writer and reader I disagree with this. Perhaps if you are writing for a scientific journal or business report, long blocks of text can seem like you have a lot of info. Generally speaking, especially in fiction and non fiction i think unbroken pages of text will best case scenario bore a reader, worst case scenraio burden and overwhelm them with a lot of info so the feel daunted about continuing.