Hey whats up what are u doing
From perusing this story, I discovered that attempting to depict a plane ride to somebody who has never flown is exceptionally hard. You can't generally depict space travel to somebody who has never done it. It's difficult to depict, and she really expounds on how stunning everything looks from a space transport. That is one thing Sally truly stresses.
That likewise indicates she was full with wonder. I additionally discovered that "development's progressively grievous consequences for the earth" are the negative parts of human effect on the world, similar to contamination and oil slicks.
The government's neglect to send relief teams quickly.
Residents of the Areas most affected by the earthquakes claim that relief and rescue teams were dispatched after two to three days. In that period of time, the damage caused by the earthquakes worsened immensely, many people lost their lives, as they were not rescued in time, not to mention the secondary damage and the despair that this delay causes.
This delay by the government in acting and helping its people, allowed the natural disaster to take on unimaginable proportions and which continue today.
Nonprofits are tax-exempt or charitable, meaning they do not pay income tax on the money that they receive for their organization.
The kind of poem reading that the lines above represent is literal reading. There are no figures of speech here, such as metaphors, personifications, etc. which is why it's not a symbolic, figurative, or analytical reading. There is nothing to analyze here - the lines just tell the story of an eagle searching for its prey - it can't get any more literal than that.