compound-complex sentence.
A compound-complex sentence is comprised of at least two independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses example;
The sun is shining through the clouds, so I think that we can go swimming.
Answer: Niche
Explanation: A synonym for niche is calling. It is his calling for him to be a writer. Hope this helps !
There would be different answers depending on what type of person you are, but here are what my answers would be:
1. Anxiety, Confidence, and my P.E. grades.
2. I am trying to overcome anxiety.
3. I need to learn not to worry, and to just let things go with the flow.
How does an individual rise above hardship? - It depends on the individual, but many people just need the motivation to get through whatever they are going through.
Have you ever felt like a rose growing from concrete, conquering an obstacle you faced? - Yes, when I first started 7th grade, I was in virtual due to the pandemic. I managed to keep an A average in every class.
Do you know of anyone else around you who is like the rose growing from the concrete? - My dad, he used to be on drugs very bad, but he has started getting sober. He even has a job now!
Welllll, I watch a lot of supernatural and of course I find that a lot of the logic that comes from that seems correct. I think that you would need to burn a body if you don't want the spirit to live on... The mind is dead once you die.
In the beginning there was only Man Never Known On Earth, and he created everything. Then he created the world, but they weren't separate, and everything was dark. Then the Man (never known on earth) created a man who was known as Man With The Power To Carry Light and a woman named Bright Shinning Woman.
And still there was nothing but darkness. Man With The Power To Carry Light began a slow journey east, he came apon a stranger who told him he'd meet many people along the way, and it was his job to teach them. Then a inpatient voice from the east called to the stranger, it told the stranger of two odd coloured deers approaching. The stranger shot the beasts and this caused the earth to turn, the stars to move, and night to become day. The stranger, who we come come to know as Star That Is Always Moving, went off to follow the wounded deer. Man With The Power To Carry Light stayed by the shore and watched the sun rise from where the mysterious voice had came from. He heads home and notices he travels faster in the day. That night he sees three stars and concludes they were a man and two deers.
After the light the people multiplied, as Star (That Is Always Moving) had said. Man With The Power To Carry Light and Bright Shinning Light went from village to village, and taught the people how to survive.
Then Man With The Power To Carry Light told them they must offer of they game they caught to the moon, stars, and other supernatural beings. He then left him and became the morning star. In order to live a long a life when they saw him rise in the sky they were all to bathe in the river.