Ella sabe Covina las verduras
Yesterday we accompanied Matthew and Jacinta who went on a walk in search of signs. We cross the colle on white lines, zebra passage. On reaching the other side we climbed the bench and looked up, a few meters high, we saw a square with a green cross, it was a pharmacy. Near the door was a giant thermometer which marked a temperature of 25 degrees, the sky was clear, the heat was nice. Walking a few more meters, we observed a quiosc
levantar, duchar, peinar
reflexive verb: levantarse:
1. Me levanto todos los días a las 7h.
non-reflexive: levantar:
2. Este aparato sirve para levantar objetos pesados.
reflexive verb: ducharse:
3. Me ducho todos los días a las 7h.
non-reflexive: duchar:
4. Este aparato sirve para duchar cuerpos.
reflexive verb: peinarse:
5. Me peino todos los días a las 7h.
non-reflexive: peinar:
6. Este aparato sirve para peinar esa zona del jardin.
Vamos a caminar por la arena al lado del mar la próxima semana.
Vamos means we are going, and this is the only translation that includes that part of the sentence.