The general thinking is that a law is unjust if it doesn't square with natural law. This is certainly the view that was put forth in Martin Luther King's Letter from Birmingham Jail.
So, a law that was passed that treated people differently wouldn't square with the natural law that all humans are equal. And thus, one would have the obligation to disobey that law.
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Some religions were banned for political reasons.
Other rites which involve human sacrifice were banned.
Nationalism is basically a build up of fascism.
The 3 most notable empire were during world war 2 who were nationalists (facist).
Them three being
Japan (Empire of Japan)
Germany (Na..zi Germany)
Italy (Italian Empire)
japan was torn apart because the war was comming closer to their main land and they have to fight for their country. Eventually they were nu…k..ed, Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Germany was torn apart because the USSR (soviets) started fighting back and started winning, the western front was also making signignifcant progress in pushing germany back. Eventual when the allies reached Berlin, Hitler committed suici..d..e. The d..eath of h….t.le.r and the allies in germany ended the regime.
The Italians were torn apart because of the landings of the allies in Greece and they were loosing a lot of wars. Mussolini was eventually overthrown and killed by a bunch of bystanders.