A. The consumption of one alcoholic beverage an hour.
Yes, i have.
There was an aunt of mine who has been diagnosed with late stage of lung cancer. Every hospitals that we went said that there is nothing that they can do execept alleviate the pain for her last moments.
At that time, the whole family decided to tell her that everything is going to be okay and opted for the pain relieving treatment.
At that time, i could see that the whole family is being dishonest, since they now every thing is not going to be okay and considering telling my aunt about it.. But i somehow understand because they do it out of compassion and not because they had harmful intention.
Observing something is watching it, and taking in data based on what that person/thing is doing. Waldo clearly observed her father and took in this data making her not need to be taught the art of gardening. This is why she is good at it. Hope this answer helped :)
I think this is the answer