we hate being criticized at (by the people)
Answer: The two complex sentences are:
Because general ventilation does not achieve the necessary control, we therefore recommend that all welding sites install extra fans and venting.
Since individual staff members will be initially responsible for their own safety, you should ensure that welders are suitably instructed and trained in the use of these controls.
When a sentence contains an independent clause and at least one dependent clause, we consider that sentence complex. An independent clause is a group of words that can stand on its own as a sentence. On the other hand, a dependent clause does not express a complete thought and cannot stand alone.
In the sentences listed above, the two complex sentences are the second and the last one. They both begin with a dependent clause that cannot stand on its own and is followed by an independent clause.
PANDEMIC: noun. It is a disease that affects the majority of the population of a state, country or even the world. The roots are pan (Greek for “common”), demos (Greek for “people”) and its suffix is ic (which has the sense of “having the characteristic of”. The correct expression is thus, pandemic disease but by apocopation the word disease has been removed and only Pandemic remains, and it has become a noun.
DISREPUTABLE: adjective, said of people, institutions or ideas that have a bad reputation. “Dis” is the prefix and it comes from Latin and it means away, apart or asunder (which means that whatever follows the prefix is far from taking place). The root is “repute”, which comes from Latin and means to think of something as equivalent to”. Finally there is the suffix able, which means “susceptible of, capable of”. The word thus means without a proper reputation.
INTRACELLULAR: adjective, the first part of the word is the prefix “Intra” which means “within” and comes from Latin. The root is “Celull”, which also comes from Latin and means “small room”. Finally the suffix “ar” which also comes from Latin and which means “pertaining to”. The word means then, something that pertains to what is within a small room.
MEDIATE: verb, the root is “Medium” meaning in the middle and the suffix “ate”, which is a suffix that is used to turn nouns or adjectives into verbs in both Latin and English. The word means literally “to be in the middle” of belligerents.
Word choice. Consistency. Style. <span>
When you proofread (which is different from editing, by the
way), you’ll really just be going over your writing for small mistakes/typos
that may have slipped by you earlier in the writing process. Proofreading can
be considered a type of “polishing up,” if you will, of a document before it is
finalized. You’ll be on the lookout for little errors such as spelling errors
and misused words/word choice—words that spell check may have missed because
spell check generally only catches misspelled words, not correctly spelled
words used incorrectly such as “their” when “there” should have been used or
“two” when “too” should have been used.
Additionally, when we are writing/typing, typically, our
minds work more quickly than do our fingers. Thus, our fingers may miss words
we intended for them to type. Too, our minds are such powerful things, if we
read over our work too soon after typing, we’ll read our writing as we intended
for it to be written, not as it actually is.
Other things to look out for are consistency and style. When
looking for consistency, it is important to make sure you are using the correct
verb tense throughout because when speaking, we tend to switch tense for
effect, and it is easy to let our speaking mannerisms find their way into what
we are writing.
On the topic of that, many of us often use clichés and
figurative language when speaking, and this is something for which to be on the
lookout when proofreading because we tend to speak figuratively in our daily
lives so much so that when writing, we don’t even know we are doing it, and in
academic writing, it is always best to be as literal as possible.</span>