The conclusion which comports with the current rights of prisoners held captive as part of the United States War on Terrorism is that the prisoners have rights in humane treatment, medical care and a return to their countries. The right of every prisoner of war is protected by The Third Geneva Convention.
<h3>The Third Geneva Convention</h3>
The protection of the prisoners of war is defined by this convention which defines their rights and sets out the rules of the treatment and release. It is prohibited to perform any unlawful act causing death or endangering the health of the prisoners of war.
A central reason why McKinley won the 1896 presidential election was because the farmers and the working class votes for and supported him, because his opponent didn't support them.
Answer: Please see below
Even though the the Great Plains had poor soil texture, bad weather conditions and were not favourable, many immigrants still took the risk going to the Great Plains rather than travel to Oregon California with better conditions for living . This is because of the introduction of The Homestead Act of 1862 by the government which seemed attractive so people banked on it as they felt it would give them opportunity to own land and improve thier financial status on a long run while providing opportunity for many to start Thier lives afresh as freemen.
Also, the discovery of precious metals like gold in the 1870s at South Dakota together with the expansion of railroads saw a more influx of immigrants as the years went by in a bid for immigrants to improve thier economic status.
<span>The rights of Catholics to freely worship in Maryland was preserved by the Maryland Toleration Act. The act is also known as the Act Concerning Religion. It is a law mandating religious tolerance for Trinitarian Christians.</span>