C.) "Municipal Solid Waste more commonly known as trash or garbage-consists of everyday items we use and then throw away
You should write about what you ate and who you saw and what your grateful for in life or even think deeper like say the things about yourself that you are grateful for.
A is the correct answer.
Why A is correct - A is correct because an outline gathers the thoughts, questions, and ideas related to your paper in a concise, orderly manner.
Why B is incorrect- A rough draft helps ensure that the student knows how to organize their thoughts and get a well developed idea of how to construct their final research paper.
Why C is incorrect- Some facts that you learn won’t actually be necessary in your research paper. You will only need the facts that are revenant to the topic of your passage.
Why D is incorrect- Research questions help further the finish of your paper. The more writing of your paper that ensues, can reveal a lack of other necessary questions that need to be answered and added to your paper.
Answer:q3 map and q4 upset