The inevitability of aging the characters. Lazarus and granny are both old Lazarus is quite aged.
1. According to Claudius the ruin of Athens was when people of Gaul were given citizenship.
2. It could be good if the people who became citizens could vote people into higher authority.
3. Romans saw citizenship rights as valuable for some reason. They only allowed so many people to become a citizen at a time, just in case letting everyone become a citizen all at once was a bad idea.
4. You could use it to quote what the officials said about citizenship.
5. You could take this document and compare and contrast to Athens' to see how it is better and or worse than Gaul's.
<span>The answer to the question, is the third one. Not at all like liberal commentators of Roosevelt's New Deal, preservationist pundits thought New Deal programs extended government excessively. The New Deal was the arrangement of government projects propelled by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the wake of taking office in 1933, because of the disaster of the Great Depression, and enduring until American section into the Second World War in 1942.</span>
Growth of the railroads.The government gave the railroad companies huge amounts of land for every mile of track laid. This land was used to develop new towns and cities, greatly reducing the area of free pasturage available to cattle owners for their herd.
Increasing numbers of new immigrants. Many of these European immigrants set up as sheep farmers, which required much less capital investment than cattle farming. The sheep farmers fenced off their land, further reducing available free pasturage for cattle, and additionally denying access to vital water sources for the cattle herds.