Answer: Acquaintances
An acquaintance is a person that someone knows, but not so well, that is, they know of the other person's existence and they can get to greet each other and have a brief conversation but it does not mean that they are friends. This type of relationship can occur in any environment, it is common for a person to have a neighbor who is not a friend, but occasionally they greet each other and talk for a few moments. Also at university or school, wherein a classroom some classmates talk for several minutes about anything, but they do not make friends or have a deeper relationship.
Seeing a person on the street that we haven't seen in a long time and seeing them start a conversation for a while makes them acquaintances. They do not have a friendship but they know each other and each time they see each other they greet each other.
b. The self we present to others.
According to Irving Goffman, people behave differently in their private and their public lives. The "front stage self" refers to the personality and actions that a person engages in when he knows that others are looking. The specific behaviour people follow arises in various ways, including internalized ideas of the self and cultural norms. Such a behaviour can be either habitual or subconscious.
Answer:1.Leadership has been defined asD) the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision or set of goals
2.Nonsanctioned leadership is as important as formal influence.
3.E) the match between the leader's style and the degree to which the situation gives the leader control
4.E) emotional stability
5.B) empathy
6.B) differences between an effective and an ineffective leader
Explanation: a leadership goal is to lead a group towards achieving a set vision of whatever project they may be working on hence it is important that a leader is able to handle their own emotions , be emotional stable because they are dealing with different types of people. They don't have to harsh they still have to show empathy towards what the team may be going through due to the amount of work they are doing. All of these theories gives us what set apart an effective to a non effective leader which makes a leader choose which path they want to take.
It was influential on the improvement of weapons during WWll.