The Correct Software
Some mail application have built in support to view the attachment like in a phone. While others don't, so if that is the case your device will attempt to open the file according to its extension (.exe, .txt, .js etc.) If your device doesn't have the correct software to open it, then the other things don't matter.
- country_pop = {
- 'China': 1365830000,
- 'India': 1247220000,
- 'United States': 318463000,
- 'Indonesia': 252164800
- }
- for key in country_pop:
- print(key + " has " + str(country_pop[key]) + " people")
The solution code is written in Python 3.
Given a dictionary, country_pop with data that includes four country along with their respective population (Line 1-6). We can use for in loop structure to traverse through each of the key (country) in the dictionary and print their respective population value (Line 7-8). The general loop structure through is as follow:
for key in dict:
do something
One key will be addressed for each round of loop and we can use that key to extract the corresponding value of the key (e.g. country_pop[key]) and print it out.
Citation , hoped that helped
I know right! i make sure i know the answer before i reply. it should ONLY let you answer with a real answer. most of the time they dont even do anything about it :( i agree so much with this comment.
also im pretty sure with the A+ students its only with brainly+