In book 9 of the Odyssey, Odysseus is too proud to hear his men´s pieces of advise .The men, when visiting the Cyclopes´island, want to find food and leave. They go to the cave where the Cyclop was supposed to be, as he was not there , the men want to flee.However ,Odysseus chooses not to listen to them and when the Cyclop comes back to his place he loses six of his men.
a comet struck and a chain of problems happened which wiped yhe dinosaurs out
One thing i could share to help improve and have an effective study skills is to write down what you need to do. In this way it helps your brain to understand that what you wrote is the goal for the day. It will remind you not to procrastinate because it will remind you of what is needed to be done. It is fairly important to have an efficient study skills so that we can adapt and learn knowledge sufficiently.
Well you can’t live without food and water because water hydrates you and well food keeps you not from starving cause it could possibly kill you I’m pretty sure so yea
we don't have access to the book it isn't available online
sorry cant help