This is a type of precipitation that comes from fronts encasing tropical cyclones, which forms when warm air meets cold air.
mechanical weathering
As a definition, mechanical weathering is the disintegration and decomposition of rocks on or on the earth's surface produced by different atmospheric, climatic and biological agents.
Weathering is a permanent process in nature.
It is also defined as a static process by which the rock breaks into small fragments, dissolving and decomposing to form new minerals. This is the way in which the removal and transport of detritus then results in erosion. It follows that weathering, by reducing the consistency of the stone masses leads to the erosion process.
The causative agents of the weathering of the stones, (external geological agents) can be physical (mechanical), chemical and biological.
When two oceanic plates collide, the younger of the two plates (because it is less dense)* will ride over the edge of the older plate. *(Oceanic plates grow more dense as they cool or move further away from the Mid-Ocean Ridge). The older, heavier plate bends and plunges steeply through the athenosphere, and descending into the earth, ir forms a trench that can be as much as 70 miles wide, more than a thousands miles long, and several miles deep.
The correct answer is - 3. maize.
The maize was the basis of the diet of the civilizations of Mesoamerica. It was one of the first wild plants in which the people from this region saw a potential as a big and stable food source, so they started to farm it. All of the civilizations we know from this region, like the Olmecs, Toltecs, Mayans, Aztecs, formed and developed their civilizations around the food source that was provided by the maize.
The role of rainforests in the water cycle is to add water to the atmosphere through the process of transpiration in which plants release water from their leaves during photosynthesis.
This moisture contributes to the formation of rain clouds, which release the water back onto the rainforest.