religious rights. the civil war was based off of slavery and the war between the north and south states.
this answer is not correct
Answer: Mississippi River Corporation
Explanation: that is the only one I know of. Hope this helps
The accusations made against King George III had a direct effect on what the founding fathers considered important to include in the declaration of independence, which ended up setting the basis of the new American government to be guided by the later written Constitution. Due to the political climate at the time, the declaration of Independence was created as a sort of a justification for the necessity of separation from England; based on the concerns of the colonist about the way King George III was ruling at the time, characterized by practices such as abuse of power, tyranny, and exclusion of the colonist in government.
I would say the south east because that is where all of the slave states were. From what i know it was founded in Tenseness
It was created to equalize the goverment so that no branch should be more powerful then anothor.Its purpose is to balance the power of branches of the government.They help to stop tryanny and overpowering of a branch in the federal government.