Im not sure what your trying to say add more detail please
7ways you can change the world today
1.Spend your consumer dollar wisely.
2.Know who's looking after your money (and what they're doing with it)
3.Give a percentage of your income to charity every year.
4.Give blood (and your organs, when you're done with them)
5.Avoid that #NewLandfillFeeling.
6.Use the innerwebs for good.
D. yes, i bough cleaning supplies, first aid items, and lightbulbs
The hall, a long winding path of white walls smelled of sharpened pencil shavings. The hall was wide and bustling with people. Now the hall still is cheery as always with the faint scent of pencil shavings.
I'm going to have fun with this.
I ran, and ran until there was nothing left but trees in sight. I ran through the woods, my heart pounding and my feet constantly slamming at the ground frantically. I was scared for my life because behind me was a killer. A killer who slaughtered everyone I ever loved and is now coming for me.
I cringed at every twig that broke, and every leaf that crunched beneath my feet because I knew he could hear me. The autumn wind was cold and relentless pushing me back as I pushed forward.
He came closer and closer to me and my heart raced higher with every step he took that was closer to me than before. I did not want to die. But I was helpless against him. I found a hollowed out tree and quickly sheltered within. I heard him run past me and I stayed quiet.
As soon as I knew he was gone, I cried and cried. Everyone I ever loved is dead, I am truly alone, and now I know that no man can be trusted.