Hussein defied United Nations Security Council demands to withdraw from Kuwait by mid-January 1991, and the Persian Gulf War began with a massive U.S.-led air offensive known as Operation Desert Storm.
The Industrial Revolution created many jobs, however, working condition was horrible. Because of the reforms, jobs became more tolerable, people made more wages, and work hours were lower.
Find the explanation below.
1. The passage explains the conflicts and disagreements that existed between the Mexicans and Americans before the start of the Mexican-American war. The two nations failed to agree on a defined boundary for Texas. The following statement supports this fact, "In 1844, annexation was negotiated between Texas and the U.S. with an important wrinkle: the southern boundary was the Rio Grande. This border had been rejected by the Mexican Congress in favor of the Nueces River farther north." This disagreement formed the basis of the war.
2. The United States was not justified in going into war with the Mexicans. The measures Polk used in resolving this matter appears deceitful and not straightforward. Placing military presence in California when the two nations had not agreed to terms and even offering bribe to an exiled dictator, were not good ways of reaching to terms.
The best answer is, D. the camps held people who had done nothing wrong.
The Japanese Internment camps established in the United States as a response to the attack on Peral Harbor by the Japanese was a drastic action taken by the government and military and not supported by everyone. Some Americans, including those in government, where weary of using the internment camps to house Japanese-Americans because they were being held there, against their will, even though they had nothing wrong.
The navigation acts, the Enlightenment, and the Great Awakening on the colonists, were events that, although different among themselves, achieved the union of all the colonies, something that would be the precursor of the War of Independence. While the Navigation Acts were increased hostilities of all American colonies against the British; the Great Awakening on the colonists caused the Revolution in the long run. The British ministers were a higher class, but the ministers of the Great Awakening could break the rules; the new beliefs were also much more democratic and their message was of equality; also the first important event in which all the colonies could participate. They were both points of union for the 13 colonies.