The supreme court and lower courts are parts of the judicial branch. The members of the judicial branch serve for an unlimited term. The supreme court is the high court of the land. The Supreme Court has nine justices. The president appoints Supreme Court justices, who must be approved by the Senate.
A Supreme Court refers to a federal court and is typically the highest court in relation to the hierarchy of courts in the judicial branch. It is also referred to as the highest court. Generally, it comprises of nine (9) justices (a chief justice and eight (8) associate justices). These nine (9) justices are appointed only by the president and subsequently confirmed by the senate after screening them diligently.
In simple definition followership means:
1. the ability or willingness to follow a leader.
2. a group of followers or supporters; following.
Followership is the actions of someone in a subordinate role. It can also be considered as a specific set of skills that complement leadership, a role within a hierarchical organization, a social construct that is integral to the leadership process, or the behaviors engaged in while interacting with leaders in an effort to meet organizational objectives.[1] As such, followership is best defined as an intentional practice on the part of the subordinate to enhance the synergetic interchange between the follower and the leader.
In organizations, “leadership is not just done by the leader, and followership is not just done by followers.” [2] This perspective suggests that leadership and followership do not operate on one continuum, with one decreasing while the other increases. Rather, each dimension exists as a discrete dimension, albeit with some shared competencies.[3]
The study of followership is an emerging area within the leadership field that helps explain outcomes. Specifically, followers play important individual, relational, and collective roles in organizational failures and successes.[4][5][6] “If leaders are to be credited with setting the vision for the department or organization and inspiring followers to action, then followers need to be credited with the work that is required to make the vision a reality.”[7]
The term follower can be used as a personality type, as a position in a hierarchy, as a role, or as a set of traits and behaviors. Studies of followership have produced various theories including trait, behavioral attributes, role, and constructionist theories in addition to exploring myths or misunderstandings about followership.
Because the colonists organized a military larger than theirs
That there are three dimensions of inequality.
(Property/SES, Prestige, Power)
British oppression of American colonies triggered political and civil unrest. Many protests were demonstrated which were vital events that led to American Revolution.
The British colonies in America suffered a shortage of money and lack of funds to trade their goods and British Crown had regulated the issue of paper money to American colonies through currency act which made colonies to bear huge price rise of commodities.
Sugar and stamp and tea act were implied on sugar, tea and other printed materials which oppressed the American colonies to bear heavy taxes. Quartering act forced the American colonies to provide food and shelter. Boston tea party act which forced the patriots to dump huge loads of tea leaves sacks into the sea.