a. the visual effect that light produces on the scene
The Palladium was a hall for concerts in New York City.
I think the correct answer from the choices listed above is option A. Effective argumentation anticipates an opponent's claim. The first component of an argument is its
claim—some conclusion or way of looking
at a problem or issue toward which an argument
is trying to lead us.
Explanation: The three-finger G, open-string guitar chord: 6th string: Use the 2nd finger to play the 3rd; 5th string: Use the 1st finger to play the 2nd fret. 4th string: Play open. 3rd string: Play open. 2nd string: Play open. 1st string: Use the 3rd finger to play the 3rd fret. The three-finger C, open-string guitar chord: 6th string