Spain and Portugal were the two nations that had a head start in the age of exploration
Answer: The Bill of rights is to protect the rights of the citizens.
The following is the daily life of a Senator named Publius.
Dies Saturni - Saturday
- Went to the colosseum to witness the gladiator games.
- Sat with the exalted Senator Sextus and the two Consuls, Decimus and Lucius
- Discussed important matters with the Senator and Consuls about the impending dictatorship of Lucius
Dies Solis - Sunday
- Visited my latifundium (farms) outside Rome
- Journey took 6 hours so did not have the chance to come back to Rome
- Inspected the grape and grains to ensure that my slaves were doing a good job
Dies Lunae - Monday
- Returned to Rome in the afternoon
- Went straight home to recuperate
- Met with Senator Titus who wanted to curry favor from Senator Sextus
Dies Martis - Tuesday
- Received a Magisterial compulsory order to attend a Senate meeting on Dies Veneris (Friday)
- Met with my father in-law, Magistrate Tiberius, who had issued the summons. He wanted to discuss the the matter he would raise.
Dies Mercurii - Wednesday
- Went to the temple of Jupitar, the family chief deity and offered a sacrifice for the good for my latifundium
- My slave, a Goth named, Aulus, told me his wife had given birth. I gave him some money and presents to take care of her because he was a loyal slave whom I respected.
Dies Jovis - Thursday
- Began the day with a sacrifice to Manasius, the Lar Familiaris (spirit guardian)
- Instructed my two sons, Quintus and Appius, on matters of governance and listened to them speak Greek to ensure they were taking their studies seriously
- Had my slaves prepare my toga for the Senate meeting on the next day
Dies Veneris - Friday
- Got to the venue of the Senate meeting and participated in the <u>sacrifice to the gods</u> to receive good omens for the meeting
- Senator Titus spoke the whole day as he chased a diem consumere (filibuster).
- The vote was postponed to Dies Lunae for further deliberation.
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