Invading Russia proved disastrous because of a few reasons:
1) Timing of invasion: While France invaded towards the middle of summer (the best time is summer), it just wasn't enough time to take over the strategic areas before winter set in, leading to the French defeat and eventual retreat from Russia.
2) Sheer size: Russia stretched across Eurasia, and because of this large extent covering thousands of square miles, Napoleon had a hard time locating and decisively taking over the land and guarding it, which led to infiltration, sabotage, and spies from the Russian empire.
hope this helps
discover new island
he descover the new island and the island name is Indian ..
this is journey of columbes
Columbus wants to discover whole world because he has curious mind...
The American Revolution emerged out of the intellectual and political turmoil following Great Britain's victory in the French and Indian War.
if helped then plz be the brainleist
Tatei ii plac romanele cu un subiect foarte profund. Inculpatul a fost acuzat in fata judecatorului. Ileana a facut a facut un proiect similar cu al meu. Tata a fost captivat de noua unealta pe care a cumparat-o.Vecina a primit o informare precum ca abonamentul la cablu va fi suspendat pe motiv de neplata. In piata era o aglomeratie de nedescris. Mamei mele i s-a adus o ofensa de catre sefa ei. Deltaplanul s-a prabusit in abis.