c. cicatriz
Él tiene una cicatriz en su pierna.
Buenos dias
Buenas tardes
Buenas noches
Que tal?
Buenos dias = Good morning
Buenas tardes .= Good afternoon
Buenas noche = Good evening
Hola = hey/hello/hi
Que tal? = What's up?
July 17 Dear Sonia: How are you? I am good. I usually spend time at home on weekends but sometimes I go to Portillo with the family to ski. It's very cold there and that's why my Chilean mother is not always with us. In Portillo there is a school for skiers and many nice boys for lessons. There is also a cybercafé with computers. Many people there to spend time with friends. We on Sunday. And you, 2 to the beach every day with your friends? WONOS See you later, Maria