Answer - Transcendentalism
The philosophy that is most closely
associated with Thoreau is Transcendentalism. A central belief of transcendentalism is in the innate goodness of people
and nature. His philosophical movement arose as a reaction the general state of
intellectualism and spirituality in eastern U.S in the late 1820s and 1830s.
Rawhide’s on-site high school, Starr Academy, is fully accredited by the Wisconsin Religious and Independent Schools Accreditation (WRISA). WRISA is a state chapter of the National Federation of Nonpublic School State Accrediting Associations which is recognized by the College Board and the Office of Non-Public Education, an office within the U.S. Department of Education. The school was named after Rawhide’s co-founder Bart Starr, legendary quarterback of the Green Bay Packers.
Individual Education Plan (IEP)
Most students who come to Rawhide are four or more years below their age’s reading level and have not developed consistent study habits. Without these basic skills, they are simply not motivated to try when it comes to school. As part of our initial assessment process, your son will take a pretest to determine his educational skill levels. Then, we will help him set specific goals for his Individual Education Plan (IEP) while he is here.
Our fully licensed teaching staff is skilled at developing and implementing individualized education plans that work toward realistic goals; whether it’s helping a student earn his high school diploma or learn how to work with peers – it’s education for the mind and heart.
Classes at Starr Academy are conducted Monday thru Friday, year-round, and the school day is a standard length.
Class sizes are small, meaning each student receives the individual attention he needs.
Starr Academy education offers classes in math, reading, social studies, science, computers, art, physical education and life skills. In addition, Title 1 Math and Title 1 Reading are available for students who are deficient in these areas.
The strong Ottoman military and Navy made conquest much easier. Economically, the Ottoman Empire flourished because of its control on the land trade between Europe and Asia. When Sultan Selim I was in control of the Ottoman Empire, he conquered parts of Persia and Egypt.
I think it might be C, but I am not 100% sure.
Los campesinos tenían una dieta muy pobre y casi nunca comieron