Pear : Skin , Flesh
Coriander : Leaves , Stem
Ginger : Leaves , Shoots
Potato : Tubers ( Tubers are little stems )
Cumin : Seeds
Beetroot : Some people discard the leaves of beetroot so Leaves is the answer
Sugarcane : Inner Stem
Papaya : Flesh , Seeds
Papaya seeds have a spicy taste to it but some of people discard it .
Spinach : Leaves , Stem
Rice : Endosperm which we eat . it is rice .
Banana : Fruit , Flower and Stem
Although the Emperor was considered powerful by the Han and Qin Dynasty, the Han's governance was distinct from the Qin's. Whereas the Qin dynasity was ruthless in its governance, the Han Dynasity adopted a moderate governance that was aimed at uniting the people. In fact peasants, despite their low social class were treated better by the Han Dynasity unlike the Qin Dynasty. Also, whereas the Qin government controlled all the state resources, the Han government strived to achieve a balance between the local and central government
Early Human being when they accidently rubbed two stones together
They decided to split the border I think