Answer: Because chess is a game where you need a real poker face. You have to keep your emotions bottled up inside instead of showing them. Because then your opponent will know that you have a great move in mind or something along those lines. She loves these secrets because she wants to be unlike her mother who is always voicing her opinion. She wants to have her secrets to herself and she can through chess.
Hope this helped!
Generally speaking, that is correct. A dystopia is the opposite of a utopia, and is a place which we define as unpleasant or bad. Therefore, what you might find in a dystopia is what you would consider as being unpleasant or bad. Hence, if you think polluted lakes and rivers are unpleasant, then they are likely to be part of a dystopia "for you". However, each person's dystopia may be different, as it depends on personal preference, or in this case, personal disgust.
The rhyme schemes of the sonnet follow two basic patterns. (1) The Italian sonnet (also called the Petrarchan sonnet after the most influential of the Italian sonneteers) comprises an 8-line 'octave' of two quatrains, rhymed abbaabba, followed by a 6-line 'sestet' usually rhymed cdecde or cdcdcd. So false