It is important that a gamete or sex cells have exactly only one set of chromosome because during sexual reproduction two sex cells of the parents will form the zygote and it will have 2n or diploid number of chromosomes. It is from this zygote somatic cells are formed.
1: Organism
2: Population
3: Community
4: Ecosystem
(the word bank literally gave it away)
You can see that box 1 is next to 1 animal, so it's an organism.
You can see box 2 is next to a group of the same animals, so it's a population
You can see box 3 is next to a small group of multiple species, so it's a comunity
You can see box 4 is next to a fully functioning group of species, so it's called an ecosystem
Unlike poles of a magnet attract each other.
Hope it will help :)❤
They actually divide rarely, which are put in the category of G0 in the cell cycle. in G0, cells are unlikely to divide but still carry out their normal functions. some data suggests that neurons can divide but there is still research going on for this