Plough is a local technology whereas Tractor is a modern technology.
Plough requires human energy whereas Tractor does not require much human energy.
Plough doesn't affect the environment whereas Tractor affects the environment.
Answer: differential susceptibility.
Jay Belsky´s differential susceptibility hypothesis states that some people, including infants, are further influenced, for better and for worst, by their context and developmental realities. This means that, due to personal characteristics, weather genetic, physiologic, or behavioral, some people are more prone than others to be affected by the negative outcomes of adverse environmental conditions, such as poverty and family dysfunction.
The first animal was made on the 5 day of the creation by God
Explanation: regarding it as a collection of RESOURCES,...................
Resources refers to the substances found in the environments which are useful to the people economically and technologically; it is also socially acceptable for use by the people. Resources can be found in diverse places, such as in the ground, in the water and on the land.