If we take a look at the fable namesake of the title of the collection, i.e., "The People Could Fly," there are many words in it that describe colours and scents and actions that take place in the fable, including magic! Like <u>"Black, shiny wings flappin' against the blue up there," "up and down of the sea," "That whip was a slice-open cut of pain," "sweet scent of Africa,"</u> and many others. They provide the speaker with cues to raise their voice or lower it down and consequently the listener responds to the rising tone and the falling tone, and the notes that are high and those that are low, aiding the visualisation process immensely as the narrative not just describes the outline, but fills it with colours and enlivens it with words describing various actions. The cracking of the whip, flying of the people, wailing of the baby are just a few examples of the same.
The sorrow of the weeping baby is heard in the narration<u> "Pity me, oh, pity me,"</u> and the magic starts working its way with the magical words, <u>"Kum...yali, kum buba tambe."</u> The description of the people flying to their "Free-dom", of some people shedding their wings, of them working under oppressive conditions of the plantation can be vividly imagined with the help of listening to the fable.
Um, what do you mean? I think you need more question content so we can answer it!
There are ten syllables in each line
Every other line rhymes
The four lines are a comparison between a person and summer
Just did this :)
An attack on the person, or the character of the person, rather than his or her arguments or opinions. A fallacious argument that appeals to the popularity of the claim as a reason to accept it.
Hope this helps