if a child has sunburn the approprite way to treat it would be aloe and some antibotics depending on how severe the burn is. I would treat the patient and give some antibotic cream or a specific cream that is to treat several blistered burns. due to no given options on your question i have no idea what anwser to give you. if you comment on my anwser and give my the "select all that applies" ill tell you which ones are correct
Answer: peanuts could be a cause of it because its one of the most allergenic foods
The processing power of the mammalian brain is derived from the tremendous interconnectivity of its neurons. An individual neuron can have several thousand synaptic connections. While these associations yield computational power, it is the modification of these synapses that gives rise to the brain's capacity to learn, remember and even recover function after injury. Inter-connectivity and plasticity come at the price of increased complexity as small groups of synapses are strengthened and weakened independently of one another (Fig. 1). When one considers that new protein synthesis is required for the long-term maintenance of these changes, the delivery of new proteins to the synapses where they are needed poses an interesting problem (Fig. 1). Traditionally, it has been thought that the new proteins are synthesized in the cell body of the neuron and then shipped to where they are needed. Delivering proteins from the cell body to the modified synapses, but not the unmodified ones, is a difficult task. Recent studies suggest a simpler solution: dendrites themselves are capable of synthesizing proteins. Thus, proteins could be produced locally, at or near the synapses where they are needed. This is an elegant way to achieve the synapse specific delivery of newly synthesized proteins.
<u>Insufficient </u><u>lung </u><u>capacity</u> is scba limitation would a firefighter be able to overcome through physical fitness and regular medical evaluations.
<h3>What are the limitations of respirator?</h3>
Full-face respirators are bulkier than half-masks and are frequently less pleasant to use. Full-face air purifying respirators cannot be utilized for all sorts of air contaminants because the type and capacity of the filters and cartridges used limit their use.
<h3>What is the capacity of SCBA?</h3>
SCBA Cylinders are available in five sizes to accommodate all <em>Self Contained Breathing Apparatus</em> (SCBA) and Emergency Escape Breathing Devices: 2L, 3L, 6.8L, 9L, and 10L. (EEBD).
The SCBA delivers compressed oxygen from the oxygen cylinder to the wearer via cylinder valves, pressure reducers, demand valves, and other components. The absorbing canister absorbs carbon dioxide from exhaled air, and the breathing bag resupplies oxygen.
To know more about valves: