Right before the big algebra test, the dinosaur felt like he was a <u>nervous rex</u> (nervous wreck, get it?).
This showcases a play of words in the Punchline Algebra book, wherein the answers somewhat rhyme with the correct word that describes the situation.
Noah in the biblical sense like Noah’s ark
Columbus managed to convince "The Enterprise of the Indies" to (put what he convinced them to do here), but not King John ll of Portugal. You can also switch the order for that sentence (Columbus wasn't able to convince King John ll of Portugal, but he was successful with "The Enterprise of the Indies"). (enter name here)'s wife Felipa dies (either enter cause of death or why it relates to the previous sentence here). Hope this helps
What is the Declaration of Independence accusing King George III of doing? The full statement is: "The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.