Is there more of the reading ?
Using the present tense makes the descriptions of the setting more vivid.
Explanation: the author chose the present tense to make the narrative appear more vividly by assimilating it to the here-and-now of the speech act.
The two lines that demonstrate the author’s opposition to conventional ideas of patriotism are:-
1. You just expected him to kill someone else, some of those foreigners, that weren't there because they had any say about it, but because they had to be there, poor wretches—conscripts, or whatever they call 'em".
2. I thank my God he didn't live to do it! I thank my God they killed him first, and that he ain't livin' with their blood on his hands!
'Editha' by 'William Dean Howells
' is a story based on war, media and patriotism. It is set during the Spanish - American war times and brings out different perspectives and opinions about the characters in the story.
Editha encouraged her fiance George Gearson to get himself enlisted in the Spanish-American War.
The two mentioned lines are a demonstration of author's strong opposition to the traditional ways of showing patriotism. One shows empathy towards the poor and towards the foreigners who were likely to be killed and they couldn't do anything about it.
You have to find the words in the text like it says there are 2 similes in the text so you have to read the text and find 2 similies and then it says 2 metaphor you have to find 2 metaphor from the text and you have to do the same to the others