Can you put it in English????
Representatives from several community organizations attended the meeting to express their support of the recreation center. Construction of this center is long overdue. "Do members have a central place in which to meet instead of crowding into each others homes," said Milton Sayre, chairman of the Berryton senior citizens league, plans call for a groundbreaking ceremony on thursday May 16 at 2:30 followed by a reception in adams park. Construction is scheduled for the next year mayor booth supervisor John Leland and city council members will participate. All residents are invited to join them at the ceremony.
B. nonsensical eccentric
In the last paragraph, the narrator shows that it is not necessary to take Boxsious's complaints seriously, because they are completely eccentric, exaggerated and unrealistic. For this reason, the narrator continues to prepare his work tools in the most calm and normal way possible, even in the midst of the Boxsious talk that complains about the age of the brushes and the quality of the paints.
In other words, the narrator shows that Boxsious is a meaningless eccentric.
D. The Magna Carta
The Magna Carta exercised a strong influence both on the United States Constitution and on the constitutions of the various states. However, its influence was shaped by what eighteenth-century Americans believed Magna Carta to signify.