Yes Do they give any multiple chose answers
The one that represent tradition in the face of change would be : Nathan.
Throughout the face of changes, nathan is the one that still held traditional value from all the character above.
He still insist on working hard on the land and really dissapointed when none of his children want to follow his footsteps.
Key Points
1. Freewriting is writing without editing in order to get your ideas flowing.
2. Freewriting can be a useful prewriting technique to help think of different directions your paper can take.
3. To freewrite, get a pen and paper (or open up a blank computer document) and set yourself a time
To contradict the message conveyed by the main plot
A subplot can focus on another aspect of the protagonist, or it can follow the story of another main character and his or her development. It can drive home theme and it can aid in world-building. Subplots will enrich your novel and make your story a more compelling read.