1. When McMurphy is trying to pull him out of the fog, he realzes that he's not deaf, he started acting like that, because people thought he was too dumb to hear or understand all the thing they were saying, that reveals too why he was so oppressed and hasn't recovered.
2. Chief Bromden is the narrator of the story, he's an obsever since he is deaf and can't talk, he listened all that the people said, but this description of the fog is important because it allow us to understand the state of mind the patients had from Bromden's point of view and according to him, was produced by Nurse Ratched with her strict, mind-numbing routines and humiliating treatment. The character that takes all the patients out of the fog (the oppresion and incapability to recover and be sane aganin) is McMurphy.
An objective statement is one that is based in fact
think he hardly knew what he was saying, for when I asked him what
business he was in he answered, 'That’s my affair,' before he realized
that it wasn’t the appropriate reply. 'Oh, I’ve been in several things,' he corrected himself."<span>Gatsby was rude, and it made Nick suspicious.</span></span>
1. It would probably be a better world however there is no guarantee of it
2. I assume not me specifically but all of us in general, though it's only my opinion
1. I say this because despite whether every person in the world has a choice to education or not it is difficult to assume that people would take the opportunity without question.
2. I don't exactly have an explanation for this question as it's only my opinion, sorry.
Technical writing<span> is a type of </span>writing<span> where the author is </span>writing<span> about a particular subject that requires direction, instruction, or explanation. This style of </span>writing<span> has a very different purpose and different characteristics than other </span>writing<span> styles such as creative </span>writing<span>, academic </span>writing<span> or business </span>writing<span>.</span>