i was at a stop bullying event and i was messing around with my brother since he threw a piece of paper at me and i threw it back and this went on and on and me having no aim i threw it in back of us and it hit this woman and i felt v bad but she just laughed and made jokes with me which i was very surprised about in the end she asked if i wanted her to throw it away for us but i declined.
thats all
Macbeth pretending to be a loyal servant of King Duncan but eventually murders him in order to steal the throne.
The recurring motif in <em>Macbeth </em>“Fair is foul, and foul is fair” means that looks can be deceptive as someone who has a good appearance or seems "fair" is actually bad or evil which is the opposite of being fair.
The words “Fair is foul, and foul is fair” was actually said by the witches when they were making incantations at the beginning of the play.
Just because you can fly doesn't mean you can navigate. What if you get lost? >.<