I say you go with promt #2
I acted very unintelligently.
You could replace dumb with a more profounded way.
Local Color Writing - is fiction and poetry that focuses on the characters, dialect, c<span>ustoms, t</span><span>opography,</span> and other features particular to a specific region.
The correct answers for this question is this one:
<span>1. Lovers dream of: love
2. Courtiers (first mention) dream of: curtsies
3. Lawyers dream of: fees
4. Ladies dream of: kisses
5. Courtiers (second mention) dream of: fees
6. A parson dreams of: benefits or money
7. A soldier dreams of: war
Queen Mab is sometimes considered old-english for 'prostitute' here's where Shakespeare plays with his puns. In this case "Queen Mab" is the head fairy and brings BOTH good dreams and nightmares.