For example if you're a disappointment to your parents you thrive to be better. You want to prove to them you aren't as bad as they think you are. Maybe if you have bad grades you'll try to get better ones because you don't wanna be nothing to your parents. You wanna be the perfect child not some child your parents never wanted.
Another example is if you make plans with your friends and you have something that came up so you had to cancel but when you remake plans maybe you'll have more time to hang out. And you mightve had more time to plan it so it will be better than it was origanally planned.
After a long stressful test, I was going to spend the day with my best friend, Katherine, for the first time after, so long now that her mom trusted me more. “Honk!’’ was the sound I heard that signaled me that Katherine’s dad was here. She opened the door, as usual because she was so courteous to me at school. I got into the rusty gray Honda. Once I got into the car I knew it was out of my comfort zone because it was my first time meeting Katherine’s Dad outside of school. “Hello, Katherine 's dad,” I said tentatively. He responded back with a simple hello and simply resumed his talk with Katherine as if she had never left the car. They were talking, so quick I had no idea what to do, so I kept quiet the whole car ride and looked out the window. The whole car ride was of a foreign language I had barely heard Katherine speak at school, when her mom, my 5th grade math teacher came around. Now as if she had been liberated from those chains that kept her from speaking her native language, she spoke endlessly with her dad. We arrived at our destination and to my surprise, it was a church.
I had never my life been to church on a Saturday afternoon, most likely because my mom and I only had time to come to church on Sunday´s.So many things were happening at the same time in the same room where Katherine’s dad left us. This was one of the best journey and I will always cherish it in my memories.
She needed an hour to finish just the beginning of a very large school project.
The story Pecos Bill exhibits the characteristics of a tall tale because the things that Pecos Bill and Sluefoot Sue did are more than what ordinary men can do. Bill dug up the Rio Grande to keep out a group of Mexican bandits from entering Texas. When Bill met Sluefoot Sue, she was riding on a giant catfish. Also, Sluefoot Sue was able to rope six steers with one throw of her lasso. When Bill and Sluefoot Sue had their first kiss, Bill was so excited he started shooting into the air and when he finished, there was only one star left in the sky. This is why Texas is known as the "Lone Star" state.