The process of silk production is known as sericulture. ... Extracting raw silk starts by cultivating the silkworms on mulberry leaves. Once the worms start pupating in their cocoons, these are dissolved in boiling water in order for individual long fibres to be extracted and fed into the spinning reel.
It’s a heterotroph!!!! You’re welcome!
The question lacks options, the options are:
A) 1 out of 16
B) 3 out of 16
C) 6 out of 16
D) 9 out of 16
The answer is 1 out of 16
This is a DIHYBRID cross because it involves two different genes coding for distinct traits. One of the traits will be dominant while the other recessive. Hence, parents that are purebred for opposite forms of the trait means that one parent is homozygous dominant while the other is homozygous recessive. When these two parents cross, they produce F1 offsprings that all possess the dominant trait but heterozygous/hybrids.
When these hybrids are self-crossed, they produce four different combinations of gametes which when crossed using a punnet square will result in F2 offsprings with a 9:3:3:1 phenotypic ratio according to Mendel's observation.
9 represents offsprings that are dominant for both traits
The two 3's represents offsprings that are recessive for one trait and dominant for the other respectively.
1 represents offsprings that are homozygous recessive for both traits.
Hence, 1 out of 16 offsprings will be homozygous recessive for both traits.
1. interphase is the portion of the cell cycle that is not accompanied by gross changes under the microscope while phases is a distinct period or stage in a series of events or a process of change our development.