- var count = 0;
- var counterElement = document.getElementById("counter");
- counterElement.innerHTML = count;
- var a = setInterval(
- function(){
- count++;
- counterElement.innerHTML = count;
- if(count == 5){
- clearInterval(a);
- }
- }
- , 300);
The solution code is given from Line 6 - 15.
setInterval function is a function that will repeatedly call its inner function for an interval of time. This function will take two input, an inner function and the interval time in milliseconds.
In this case, we define an inner function that will increment count by one (Line 8) and then display it to html page (Line 9). This inner function will repeatedly be called for 300 milliseconds. When the count reaches 5, use clearInterval to stop the innerFunction from running (Line 11 - 13).
def leap_year(y):
if y % 4 == 0:
return 1
return 0
def number_of_days(m,y):
if m == 2:
return 28 + leap_year(y)
elif m == 1 or m == 3 or m == 5 or m == 7 or m == 8 or m ==10 or m == 12:
return 31
elif m == 4 or m == 6 or m == 9 or m == 11:
return 30
def days(m,d):
if m == 1:
return 0 + d
if m == 2:
return 31 + d
if m == 3:
return 59 + d
if m == 4:
return 90 + d
if m == 5:
return 120 + d
if m == 6:
return 151 + d
if m == 7:
return 181 + d
if m == 8:
return 212 + d
if m == 9:
return 243 + d
if m == 10:
return 273 + d
if m == 11:
return 304 + d
if m == 12:
return 334 + d
def days_left(d,m,y):
if days(m,d) <= 60:
return 365 - days(m,d) + leap_year(y)
return 365 - days(m,d)
print("Please enter a date")
day=int(input("Day: "))
month=int(input("Month: "))
year=int(input("Year: "))
choice=int(input("Menu:\n1) Calculate the number of days in the given month.\n2) Calculate the number of days left in the given year.\n"))
if choice == 1:
print(number_of_days(month, year))
if choice == 2:
Hoped this helped
Answer: See explanation
• Font size: The font size used matters a lot in order to enhance readability. The ideal font size should be 16 pixel for the main body text. This is vital in order to help enhance readability. It should be noted that a don't size that is lower or higher than that can lead to challenges with readability.
• Graphics and animation: Using of exciting graphics and animations on a website can help in giving the web page a good look, help in grabbing the attention of the user, and also increase engagement.
• Use of colours: The color chosen also helps to give a web page a good look. It should be noted that when choosing colors, it is ideal to choose two or at most three colors to use for a web page. Mixing different colors or using very bright colors is typically a turn off.
<span>Little circles located in front of various website screen options, which can be selected with the mouse, are called radio buttons. The radio buttons are graphical elements which enable the user to choose one option from several given. It is characterized as a circle and is used when the website visitor should choose one option.</span>