Answer:The poet couldn't sit under the shadow of the trees. It made ... This will even degrade the quality of answer. Sorry to ... Find Notes, Solved Question Papers, old question papers, Recent question Papers, books and many more.
<span>"Rainsford did not smile. "I am still a beast at bay," he said, in a low, hoarse voice. "Get ready, General Zaroff."</span>
1. The past participle form of the verb "break" is "broken" and in this sentence it is used as the main verb part of the passive voice structure.
2. The present participle form of the verb "paint" is "painting" and in this sentence it is used as the main verb part of the future continuous structure.
3. The past participle form of the the verb "write" is "written" and in this sentence it is used as an adjective qualifying the noun "word".
4. The past participle form of the verb "wear" is "worn" and in this sentence it is used as the main verb on the present perfect structure and the present participle of the verb "freeze" is "freezing" and in this sentence it is used as an adjective qualifying the noun "weather".
5. The past participle form of the verb "retire" is "retired" and in this sentence it is used as an adjective qualifying the noun "people" and the present participle of the verb "work" is "working" and in this sentence it is the main verb on the present continuous structure.
6. The past participle of the verb "write" is "written" and in this sentence is the main verb as part of the shortened passive voice sentence.
The answer would b A. unempolyed