It makes your subject appear smaller and further away.
Think about when you look at an apple, when you look at it really close it appears larger, but as you move away from it, it gets smaller, and smaller, and further away. The same thing with a traffic light, you see it almost every day, and it looks small, because it's far away, but when you see it up close and near you, it is larger.
Answer: why are those places important to you and your family? How did you reach those places?
Explanation: KYXS
Everything you need to make a good meaningful sentence (and grammatically correct, of course), is to follow common rules. Do not forget to provide your sentence with complexity, but you don't have to make them too complicated, I mean you need to use key words, they will make your thought completed. And the second point is that you need to properly organize the sentence using correct word order. ion: