Mikroalga adalah alga mikroskopik, biasanya terdapat di sistem air tawar dan laut. Mereka adalah spesies uniselular yang wujud secara individu, atau dalam rantai atau kumpulan. Bergantung pada spesies, ukurannya boleh berkisar antara beberapa mikrometer (µm) hingga beberapa ratus mikrometer.
1. less solar energy
2. everything would be flipped, for example summer would be cold and winter would be warm.
According to the process of isostatic adjustment, basins in the ocean have increased in size
since the last cycle of glaciers came to an end. This isn't the aftermath of the <span>melting of </span>glaciers, instead, this is the recovery of the Earth's surface from the once heavy, thick ice sheets that covered the majority of Europe and North America.
Answer: The correct answer is B) have a behavior similar to that of a more toxic species.
Explanation: Mimicry is a resemblance that exists between two organisms or species. When a specie mimics another, it often disguises as another and could be more dangerous. For example, the mimic octopus.
Mimicry can also help a denfeless specie to disguise as one who is very dangerous inorder to scare potential predators.