"A prop is worth a thousand words" would mean that a carefully selected prop could explain the situation better than to use words to explain it. The expression is similar to that of - a picture is worth a thousand words, they mean the same, basically.
When interviewers ask you questions about things you would have done differently at work, they want to gain insight into your job-related weaknesses. They may also be attempting to determine how you respond to failure, and whether you can identify and address your shortcomings proactively.
If you think about this question ahead of time, you won’t find yourself swallowing hard and struggling to find an answer during your interview. The best approach is to know how to “spin” your answer so you can demonstrate how you’ve reflected upon and learned from past experiences.
When you're preparing a response, reflect on your past work experiences and make a list of situations that didn't turn out the way you would have liked. Think about the actions you took (or didn’t take), and how they resulted in a less-than-ideal outcome. Identify similar scenarios you encountered again after those initial disappointments, but where you performed differently. What did you learn from the negative result, and what did you do to strengthen your ability to handle similar situations in the future?
In general student loan debt cannot be erased by declaring bankruptcy, credit card and gambling debt on the other hand can be erased. This is mainly due to two reasons for starters, the money that is owed is technically owed to the government when dealing with student loan debt. Credit Card and gambling debt is owed to private institutions. The second reason is that there is a wide range of programs available to help repay student loans as opposed to credit card and gambling debt. Personally, this does seem unfair because certain debts like gambling are vices while college debt is done with the hopes of bettering your future and the world.
lack of interest of judges in matters of management is a function of the frustration ... ' Ib demonstrate that judges do have some ideas
Well it's pretty clear that he is trusting Bilbo to live up to his potential. He chose him because he could see there was "more about him than you guess". He is trusting him to take on more responsibility and to be able to "look after the dwarfs" Bilbo is to start showing his talents and thinking on his feet. help them stay out of danger. As to whether or not he can that's got to come from you.
I cannot provide you with the page number because not all books of the same name have the exact amount of pages.