It serves as the second highest court in the state.
It corrects legal errors made by lower courts.
It reviews cases that were previously decided.
It makes rulings on civil cases being heard for the first time.
It decides criminal cases that have not appeared in another court
I would say the parliamentary system
Answer:Philanthropic and ethical responsibilities
What is ethical responsibility?
She will need to practice fairness as she start her business in such that whatever she does is fair to the people around her and especially to her competitors .
When people are in the business they may even be manipulative liers in order for their business to succeed , they may even set schemes that will see the other similar business going down and losing their businesses.
She will need to be fair ,use her own unique trademarks and strategies to win customers without jeopardising the other similar businesses ability to win theirs.
She may need to outsmart them by just being unique .
What is philanthropic responsibility?
Our carbon footprint plays a huge role in how we protect or demolish the environment, so she will need to find ways to avoid environmental impact that may be caused by her business .
For example selling food using containers that are non biodegradable can impact the environment .
She may also choose packaging bags that are environmental friendly .
Cover the ground around where she works with grass rather than leaving it bare.
Answer: Cheerfulness, positive attitude
Customer service is part of the backbone of business. How customers are treated would determine how long the business would last, when customers are not treated well, there won't be a growth regarding the business, employees would need this in mind considering the various kinds of clients they would come across and it's very obvious they won't be the same, a lot of positive mindedness and cheerfulness is required, this is what is required a lot for Susan's job