A because water is collected in clouds from bodies of water than falls back down as rain snow or hail
Mutations can be caused by radiation
if my answer helps you than mark me as brainliest.
Blood cells are a lot smaller than nerve cells and have a disc-shaped structure, both great traits for moving quickly through small spaces. Their disc shape also provides them with a big surface where lots of oxygen can enter the cell.
hope it helps
As a microbiologist there are different methods are devised for characterization of microbes.such as Macroscopic analysis and microscopy method.
With the help of microscope the needed information about the individual cell such as individual cellular characteristics can be obtained, the magnification help to provide the features such as size, shape and motility of the microbes which helps to know the specific microbes characters.
When handling an unknown environmental microbe, with help of the cell characteristics of the microbes obtained using the microscope, the identity as well as metabolic characterization can be known such as the type of environment the microbes can survive in(aerobic or anaerobic), the source of food.
No growth was observed on the control plate.
The growth on the control plate indicates that the aseptic technique devised in the model was an adequate method for the prevention of the control plate from been contaminated.
There are many forms of VIF and each forms are made for different purposes. basically, you just extract a female egg and a sample of the male sperm, bad sperm can be separated via by adding specific chemicals. The sperm will then be transferred into the egg and the egg is transferred into the women. (This is ICSI) There are other forms under the category of IVF but this is one of the example. (ICSI only deals with male infertility)